Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 26 and lifes good

Gradually feeling better and better every day. Can eat some and drink some on my own, so it's all a piece of cake from here...been a long haul and I am close to done I think...Dont know if I would go thru it again though..It was that tough and only to maybe get some maintenance drug free time...not sure it will be worth it yet.. Time will tell I suppose.
Being back home is so much better for my mental state and only go the the clinic twice a week for tests, so in 2 weeks they will relaese me and I am on my own and back to my local oncologist doc for checkups and tests. Pretty boring from here out...
I think this will end my blog experiemce and I want to thatnk all who replied and called me to see how I was doing...reallly makes me feel humble and gratefull..thanks to all and good night.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 19 and outta the "apartment"

Feeling pretty well overall. Just need to learn to eat again and drink more fluids.
Nothing tastees good and get full quickly, so need to eat little bits at a time..Sweet stuff makes me Yarf....Get hydrated 4 hrs a day to make sure I "drink" enuf with a portable pump.
Only needing clinic visits 2 or 3 times a week, so we mostly moved back home today...Muuuuch more comfly and moe better.
I suspect in another week, I will be pretty much on my own...(according to me anyway, but who else maters) At least I can talk on the phone some as my chemo brain gets back to semi normal.
Matt has been doing well with the business end, so we may just have survived this whole ordeal.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 13 or so- still in hosp

Wed the something or other...lose track of everything here.
All the blood counts are rising nicely and it may be that i get outta here on Fri...
Weak, but able to eat Jello today.
No email or phone calls yet.
looks like i just need one count to get up a ways and I meet all their criterea.
Am soo glad my son Matt is taking over in my abcense..what a godsend..He is handling it all with only a phone question or 2 per day. Will still have a business when this is all over.....
aatransaxle & son maybe..

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day10..there my be hope...

Been in the Hospital since Wed..No reson to try to do anything till now.
Being IV fed and hydrated and feel like total crapola. No energy and cant do anything but sleep.
Numbers still Zero, but feel a hint of better things to come. They say Day 12 or 14 will be the turning point, then I can get outta here. All for now..thanks for ckin'